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St Stephens has served the northern part of Ravalli County since its inception in 1979.  Meeting in various locations, the congregation made the conscious decision to purchase a store front on Main Street in Stevensville.   As part of our outreach, we have shared our building with various non-profit organizations in need of a home such as the local Food Bank and Thrift Store.  For many years, we were also the site of the Diocesan Training School for Ordained Deacons.


At the heart of our existence, however, has been the worship of God.  As an Episcopal Congregation, we utilize the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal as aids to worship.  We are a liturgical church, involving everyone present in the worship of God.  We are also a sacramental church, seeing God at work in and through the material world.  And we are a Biblical Church, reading significant passages of Scripture from he Old Testament and New Testament each Sunday.


Not much larger than Jesus's first band of disciples, we are a group of individuals who do not always see eye to eye on the issues facing our community and nation today, but that does not bother us.  We do not seek unity by agreeing with each other, but by loving one another as Christ first loved us.  It is his love that unites us yesterday, today, and in the days to come.


Join us for a radical experience of Christian fellowship! 



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